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Simplify outdoor structure sales & lead gen via online 3D configurators

Key Trends for Lead Generation and Sales for 2022 #WeeklyLabLink

Updated: Jun 26, 2023

Every Thursday at 11.55AM CET, we publish a link to a short, bite-sized online article, video or website that we think you should see.

This week trends for Lead Generation and Sales

Most of our customers noticed a huge turnovers increase in 2021, partially instigated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and partially because the conversion rates of our online 3d configurators increased to almost 10% during peak season.

They also expect they will need to invest a lot more in lead generation in 2022, because the market is gradually evolving into a more digitized version, and organizations are starting to exploring more options to make a difference online.

So, next to an online 3d configurator, their might be additional ways you can generate leads online, which is what this week's #WeeklyLabLink is all about.

Read the article here. Enjoy!


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Transform your marketing and sales for outdoor structures via online 3D configurators

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