Here's what we did in one year for people like you*
170.000+ configs started
We registered over 170.000 configurator visits; that's more than 2.5 times the Superbowl Stadium
12.000+ leads in their inbox
12.000 exclusive, highly qualified leads submitted their exact needs, without any manual intervention.
Used by 230+ dealers
Over 230 dealers used their personalized configurator link to get leads directly in their inbox.
* Read our in-depth article here.
Listen to what our customers have to say
One of our long-time customers, a manufacturer of patio roofs, testifies about the impact a custom configurator had on their sales.
Video testimonial
Test some of our custom configurators

Lies Van Wyngene
Marketing Manager
Testimonial video above↑
"We have seen a great impact on the amount of leads via this tool, so we are very grateful for our cooperation with Virtual Sales Lab"

Roland Drechsel
"We have worked with several software companies before, but it has never worked as well as with you"
Why this, why you & why now?
Over the last decade, expectations changed a lot:
Your buyers' lack of patience
Your buyers want it all and they want it now. A 3D configurator provides them instant feedback without any effort from you.
Your online presence & brand
3D Configurators on your website catapult your online presence & brand immediately into the 21st century.
Your employee efficiency
What if you could sell more tomorrow, because you stop wasting time on bad quality leads that don't buy?