I think most people underestimate the impact AI will have on society. My best bet is that - within 2 to 5 years - a lot of jobs will be executed cheaper/better using an AI.

Why? Here's an example...
You can already stitch together a script *TODAY* that takes any subject as an input, and creates a YouTube video of yourself as a subject matter expert:
Use AI to generate your outline according to some guiding structure
Have it fill in the details
Use voice style transfer to generate audio in your voice
Generate a deep fake of you by combining a picture or video of you with the audio fragment
Upload the video to YouTube/ post to social media
Ask the AI for a thousand titles that a subject matter expert would talk about, and run the script on each of those titles. You can have thousands of videos of you as a subject matter expert today at the click of a button. TODAY!
What's the impact of ai on society?
Who knows what the impact on society will be within a few years?
The industrialisation turned consumer goods into a commodity, the internet turned knowledge into a commodity, and now AI will turn any job you can do using a computer into a commodity.
What's next? Robots to bridge the gap to the physical world, and then singularity?